
Robert FeltenLinkedin link

Robert Felten earned his M.S. degree in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles and B.A. in Mathematics from California State University, Northridge. He is also an active member of Silicon Valley’s Professional and Technical Consultants Association (PATCA), Association of C/C++ Users (ACCU) and IEEE CNSV (Consultants Network of Silicon Valley). At Raytheon Applied Signal Technology, he was honored to receive their Six-Sigma award for Outstanding Technical Leadership after taking over a troubled project as technical leader and key developer for built-in-tests. His work experience spans the telecommunications, storage media, signal processing, and imaging. He is a master Qt programmer and has created GUI, embedded and test programs for a wide range of industries.


PATCA logo

ACCU logo








C++ programmer - C++
- C#
- Ada
- Matlab

Operating System

OS experience- Linux
- Visual Studio
- .NET
- VxWorks
- Unix


Qt button - Qt
- Google Protocol Buffers
- Motif